So using the organizing tips above, you will know those songs in your music catalog which are not copyrighted yet or registered in the performance right societies. Also under “catalog”, you will notice a “link”. It is actually a link pointing to the published catalog URL.
For example for the song “Dream”, this is actual URL.
This page contains the official lyrics of the song as well other music production related information.
Third phase
Finally, the following are the last remaining information that you need to organize:
13.) Single copyright registration number released? This is particularly helpful if you manage to release the song as a “single” and you need to apply a copyright registration number to it. This is useful if the song manages to be released in large scale as a single.
14.) The artist performing the recorded version. At first, the original artist is listed, in the coming years; you might add cover artist which you have grant permission to record the song.
15.) Notable licensee – these are your clients for that song. These are your customers.
16.) Date licensed – when was the song licensed?
17.) Licensing plan – if you have any licensing plan, you can include it (for example “free music licensing plan” or “paid licensing plan”, you can even put the licensing fee if you like).
18.) Work to do– this summarizes the entire work to be done in that song. For example if it says “refer to red items”, it means that you have job to do for those red items.
Below is the sample screenshot of third phase:
You might need to update your music catalog excel sheet once in a month or any time you made an important update. Do not forget to specify “last date update” for tracking purposes.
You can add few more columns you need to track in the future (like for example “songwriter name” if you are hiring songwriters in your music publishing company). Doing this saves a lot of time and makes your songwriting/publishing work efficient.
Content last updated on July 23, 2012