Music Publishing Category

Indemnification Clauses and Music Licensing Agreement Example

One of the rare but important clauses in music licensing agreement is the “Indemnification Clauses”. This is a legal phrase that when explained in layman term refers to a protection to either one of the contracting parties in case a lawsuit or a case i …

Music Production Process: How does it take to produce a song?

Everyone has moments in their life listening to commercial FM radio stations. You might hear a lot of great songs and some are still memorable as of today. Then you might asked, how this song comes out to be played on the radio? Who created this one? I …

Licensing Music Guide in Videoke Machine Businesses

Videoke machine is highly popular in business establishments such as bars, restaurants, beach clubs, and even in malls. These machines contain thousands of song databases. It works by dropping a coin or a token before a user can sing any selected songs …

Podcast music licensing guide for a beginner

Podcast is a form of web syndication or RSS feeds (stands for “Really Simple Syndication”) which publishes audio instead of text content. Podcast exist where there are content providers and subscribers. The content providers (also known as the “podcast …

How to sell your music or songs in iTunes?

iTunes is currently the leader in online music distribution in 2009 and may continue well in the future. Song downloads is currently one of the hottest and modern ways to sell your songs online. As an independent artist that writes your own song, produ …