Studio monitors guide Tag

Mixing with a Subwoofer: Is it important or not?

Is it important to mix with a subwoofer? This is one of the most common questions by beginners in mixing. The shortest answer is that subwoofer may not be required but it is still important that you can hear bass frequencies correctly. This is if you w …

Best Nearfield Studio Reference Monitors below $1000 for Home Audio Mixing

If you are about to get started in home audio mixing or even mastering, one of the most important things that you should have is the high accurate near field studio/reference monitors. This also applies if you are already recording and mixing for some …

Ear Training Development Exercises for Mixing & Mastering Engineer

The most important and valuable piece of studio equipment is the ear. Any expensive or high end gears you are using in your home studio cannot guarantee to produce quality results unless you have a “trained ear”. Trained ear helps you at arriving corre …

How to Improve Home Studio Acoustic Treatment

For beginners in home recording and mixing, it is of primary importance and priority that you acoustically treat your room for flat frequency response. This monitoring environment would tell the truth about the quality of your mix. This implies that wh …

Why you should not mix using headphones?

Audio mixing is sometimes misleading newbies into using headphones to mix their projects. It is because they always see pictures of studio personnel using headphones as they might think these engineers are actually using headphones in audio mixing the …